Chapter 2:  Can Biology Help Us Find Our Way?

Can biology help us understand our place in the world, and how to build a better society, with better communities? Biology is the study of living systems. Examples of living systems are cells, organisms, or a group of organisms working together; such as a family, a community, or even a company or institution.

To start the process of life a protected stable internal environment needs to be established by the life force. Homeostasis is the process of maintaining this stable internal environment. Without this stability, a living system will not be able to properly develop and reach its potential.

A living system is a sensing organism, monitoring its environment for opportunities and risks, so it can capture resources and protect itself. Life is an active process that performs work to grow and develop.

Living systems can respond to their environment with aggression or care.   These are its male and female attributes. It can respond with male aggression to protect itself or to capture resources. Life can also use its female attributes of love, caring, and integration, to create order and growth.

Life needs both of these forces, male and female, to survive and prosper in its environment. Below is a diagram of a living system. The yellow area represents the nucleus, the control center that directs the activities of the organism. The red areas are sub-systems that perform required functions for the health of the overall system. The orange radiating star pattern represents awareness and interaction with its internal and external environments. This diagram represents livings systems such as a cell and its organelles; a person and its organs; a community and its districts; or a company and its departments. It represents anything that is alive, or is made up of a group of living systems.

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Read Chapter 3: Living Systems Are Aware